Have you been dreaming about your engagement forever? And when it finally happens and you do have that ring on your finger as a reminder, you’ll have to pinch yourself to get back to reality. But one thing is for sure, nothing will remain the same. That ring is going to bring with it a lot of changes and here are the 17 things that no one told you will happen.
1. You’re a bundle of nerves and every time someone refers to you as the to-be-bride it suddenly hits you.
2. But then you realize how bad you wanted this and that’s when you want the world to know because hell yes! It’s finally happening.
3. The congratulations keep pouring in not only from close friends and family but also people who haven’t spoken to in years.
4. You will probably have to tell and retell the story a few million times. And you’ll practically give anything to just get it over with.
5. It will finally hit you that you are going to be a bahu. The responsibilities, mannerisms etc. Basically the bahu role has begun.
6. You just can’t stop staring at that ring on your finger. Yes, it takes a while for it to sink in.
7. Since you’re the bride-to-be you can’t get over wedding décor and bridal lehenga designs in a bid to prepare for your D-day.
8. But it’s all going to cost a fortune and that’s causing you quite a worry.
9. You are still not used to all the changes but will happily start calling him your fiancé.
10. Random guys have stopped hitting on you, courtesy the ring.
11. And you are being referred to as bhabhiji more often than not making you feel too old.
12. You’ve realized, all of a sudden that cooking is really important and hence the daily kitchen experiments.
13. Your calendar too looks quite choc-o-block with all the social commitments. His family + your family + his friends + your friends = double the social circle. #HecticMuch
14. Everyone you meet has just one question for you, “When’s the wedding?”
15. And you are literally caught between choosing your dream wedding and what’s practical.
16. You’ve got a hell lot of decisions to make. Jewelry, clothes, venue and food just the top categories.
17. And day dreaming will just continue till D-day.