No matter how educated is she, a mother is the best teacher for a daughter. As she has gone through the same phase way back, she is the best one who can drop a pearl of wisdom in your lap when you are about to start a new phase of life. Here are some secrets that only a mother can share with her daughter.
1. Love is not a thing to be Tested
Love is all about affection and needs a kind of faith. Daughters should be taught that she should not perform tests on her partner’s love. Love should be decorated with trust. Trust building can take time but daughters should keep patience and make love flow.
2. Keep Proper Space
Initially every relation needs some space. When two people meet, they have different ethics and different needs and desires. Mothers should share their own experiences and reveal that the secret of a happy married life is walking together but with having a proper individuality. Giving time to everyone but maintaining individuality is the art of a happy married life. This can be done by carrying on with the hobbies and finding happiness in small little things.
3. Togetherness is the Secret for Happiness
Every mother should teach her daughter that warmth and togetherness in a family is the biggest happiness. If it is a joint family, the spouse’s parents should be treated as own parents, daughters should make a bond with one and all. Although, this is the most difficult part for a newly married girl but once accepted, it proves to be a great asset for a strong relationship.
4. Adjustment – A Key for a Healthy Relationship
The biggest secret for a new life to be successful, a girl needs to adjust but not at all on the cost of self-esteem. Being educated today, girls think that they are not made to adjust but the truth is adjustment is another name for love, care and respect, but only a mother can make her think that there is no harm in adjusting as she can share her experience and show how effective it is. Little adjustments from both the side can make your relations do wonders.
5. Love is the Most Beautiful
It is very important to express your love and concern in different ways so that the relation never gets monotonous or dull. Making love should always be a mutual consent and not a forceful decision.
6. Some Magical Words and Gestures
Although the discussion between the mother and the daughter continues right from the childhood, some things need to be revised and taught again before the loving daughter steps into a new tomorrow. Some magical words like “I love you”, “thank u”, “yes, sure, I will”…. And many more can solve the biggest problems of life. A girl should use these gems to decorate her life’s ornaments. A mother should teach her daughter that instead of saying a direct “no” to the things she doesn’t like to do, she should try to say that she would try. These magical words can transform life.
7. Smile a While
The greatest jewel a girl can wear is the smile on her face. A smile can melt the anger of any person. Moreover, smiling from inside gives an aura of confidence and self-esteem. So, give your daughter the gift of happiness.
8. Make the House Your Home
No stone should be left unturned in making the new house, a home. She should have a sense of belongingness towards all the material and immaterial things of the house. This will make her more comfortable and easier for her to adjust and allow the new family to accept her as a part of their family with ease.
9. Forgiveness and Acceptance
In order to run a smooth life, wheels of forgiveness and acceptance should move parallel. Daughters should forgive the ones who commit mistakes and learn to have a big heart. Also, if she herself makes mistakes, she should have the art of acceptance and the ethics to apologize and rectify her mistakes. These two things are magical, they can heal any wound.
10. Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
Cleanliness is not something which is mandatory but if you are maintaining a clean and a hygienic environment around you, you can always attract everybody’s attention and appreciation.
A mother knows her daughter the best. She knows where her daughter falls weak and where she is stronger. Above are some general but important things for a new relation, but every mother has some special secrets to share. So make your daughters the best wives, daughter in laws and much more in their new and fabulous life.