Author Archives: admin
How to change your last name after marriage in India?
Jul 30, 2015by admin
(Step-by-Step Guide) Follow the below given instructions to change your last name after marriage in India: According to the custom in India, after marriage, the women changes her last name from her father’s name to her husband’s or husband family name. Though it is not mandatory, most of the women do it and in order to get it valid, the changed name needs....
How to get marriage certificate?
Jul 23, 2015by admin
A Complete guide to get Marriage Certificate in India A marriage certificate is an official statement that two people are married. In India, Marriages can be registered either under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. It is a legal proof you are married and the most vital document of a marriage. In 2006, the Supreme Court made it compulsory to....
How to make Biodata for Marriage?
Jul 13, 2015by admin
5 Steps to write a Good Marriage Biodata Preparing a resume for a job seems very easy, but preparing a Bio-data for marriage seems difficult. This is because you are not sure that you have the qualities a potential partner will find attractive. Follow these five simple steps and write out a good biodata so something that will invite the....
ஆராத்தி எடுப்பது ஏன்?
Jun 24, 2015by admin
தமிழர் பாரம்பரிய நடவடிக்கைகளில் முக்கியமானது,ஆரத்தி எடுக்கும் நடைமுறை. ஆரம்ப காலத்தில்இருந்து இன்று வரை பின்பற்றப்படும் இந்தநடைமுறை வெறும் சடங்குக்காகசெய்யப்படுவதில்லை. சாதாரண நிகழ்வாகஇதை புறக்கணிக்கிறோம். ஆனால் இதில் ஆழமானஅர்த்தம், அதுவும் விஞ்ஞான நலன் காணப்படுகிறது.இதில் முக்கியமான கருத்துகள் மறைந்துள்ளது.தூரத்து பயணம் முடித்து வருபவர்களுக்கு புதிதாய் திருமணம்முடித்து வீட்டிற்கு வரும் மணமக்கள், மகப்பேறு முடித்து வீட்டிற்கு வரும் பெண்ஆகியோருக்கு ஆரத்தி எடுக்கும் நடைமுறை வழக்கத்தில் உள்ளது. ஆரத்தி எடுப்பது என்றால் ஒரு தாம்பாளத் தட்டில்தண்ணீரில் மஞ்சள் அரைத்து சேர்த்து அதில்சிறிது சுண்ணாம்பு சேர்த்து கலக்க வேண்டும்.மஞ்சளும் சுண்ணாம்பும் கலந்ததண்ணீருக்கு சிவப்பு நிறம் வருகிறது. இதை ஒரு பரந்த....
Happy Mother’s Day –
May 10, 2015by admin
Learn How to handle stress in Family Life?
Apr 29, 2015by admin
Love, passion, conflict, argument — it’s how we relate to each other. It’s how we bond and learn about one another. It’s how we develop as people and as a family. Stress and Family Whether it is an unexpected illness, bad grades, financial difficulties, or arguments over trash duty, it’s inevitable that each family will face stress together. Families who are prepared for these trying times emerge stronger and....
Forgiveness and Letting Go in Your Marriage
Apr 13, 2015by admin
Being able to forgive and to let go of past hurts is a critical tool for a marriage relationship. Additionally, being able to forgive is a way to keep yourself healthy both emotionally and physically. Health Aspects of Forgiving If you hold on to old hurts, disappointments, insensitivity, and anger, you are wasting both your time and your energy. Nursing a perceived hurt can eventually make it....
Questions to ask before marriage?
Apr 7, 2015by admin
Make your mind set for marriage by understanding which relationship will work well for you. Will you accept each other as you are? Pressures play a major role over Bride or Groom during marriage since the factors Age, personal expectations, Parental expectation… plays its part, But don’t be in a hurry or do not be forced by circumstances to make the most important decision in your life..... Dictates How to choose the best Matrimony service?
Apr 2, 2015by admin
Choosing a Bride or a Groom is one of the challenging job for each and every parents. But before that choosing the right Matrimonial service for selecting the Bride or Groom is very important. Here we have discussed some of the facts in deciding which matrimonial service is best. 1.The Matrimony service provider should be one among the No.1 Matrimonial Portal in your location. 2.The Registration process....