Relationships are very fragile, if not watered continuously with the water of love, care and understanding, they might just dry up, leaving you feeling sorry. Its very important for us to make sure that the bond we share with our loved one is always full of life and enthusiasm.
Sometimes it might seem tough looking at our responsibilities, hectic life styles, time issues etc, but a little extra effort in that direction just might work wonders.
Here are few of the expert tips you could follow to add spark in your relationship.
1. Communicate:
Find time to talk to each other, share your everyday experience, try to involve both of you in taking any decision, because when you are in a relation it’s not all about one being dependent on another, it’s about helping each other. A well communicated couple is sure to enjoy each other’s company forever.
2. ‘Us’ not Me:
In a relation, it is not always about “Me”, it is more about “Us”. Understanding each other’s need plays a crucial role to sustain a relationship. Give each other enough space and compromising a bit won’t hurt.
3. Connect Physically:
With the hectic lifestyle we often tend to overlook the importance of physical relationship in our life. It definitely plays a vital role in adding the spark to your relation. It not only helps you connect emotionally, but also lets you become more intimate with your partner. Being physically close to each other would certainly make you happy and add the quality in your relation. At time a simple hug or holding hands with affection can bond you more with your partner than anything else.
4. Take a trip:
Go out on a short trip to out of town on weekends or go on a long vacation with your partner from the hustle and bustle of the city life. These outings help in spending good quality time and exploring and rediscovering yourselves.
5. Leave small Notes or Gifts:
Surprise your partner by leaving small notes of ‘I love you’ or ‘you are the best’ or ‘thanks for being in my life’ under the pillow or next to our bathroom sink or on the fridge or dining table. These will not only bring a smile on their face but will also help you strengthen the bond you have.
6. Select a Day:
Select a weekday when both of you will do something that you enjoy doing together. Whether its watching a movie or having a dinner or taking a walk in park or playing games like cards or battleship. The idea is to spend quality time with each other and enjoy each other’s company.