Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, March 3 2014
No.1 free Tamil Matrimony site Multiinfomatrimonial.com today becomes www.multimatrimony.com. We change our name for the convenience of our customers. Though we change our domain name, our focus and dedication on customer satisfaction remain the same. We have upgraded our domain with latest technologies for the sake of our beloved customers.
Name Change:
Our customers thought that our present domain name Multiinfomatrimonial is too lengthy and feel hard to remember. Hence we have decided to change it into Mutimatrimony.com which is really simple and it represents that we have profiles of all caste and community. We have analyzed the inconvenience of our customers and that intends us to change our domain name.
Advanced Technologies:
We are really delighted to report our customers that we have changes many features in our new site for the benefit of our clients. We have changed our site as responsive for the easy accessibility in various platforms and really proud that we are the first matrimony site to do this. We have put maximum efforts in reducing the site loading time. We changed our look and the appearance of our Multimatrimony site in a pleasant manner with attractive colours and patterns.
Vote of Thanks:
We are really owed to our customers for their overwhelming support and their trust towards our organisation. We promise our customers that we put our best effort to keep the trust and good name. As we always concern about our customers changing needs we opt to change according to them. Here at this time, we sincerely thank our customers for their support and love for the past 16 years and expecting their support further.
For further details. Please contact us at
Multi Information Service
4-A, Melapudur Main Road,
Near Subway Tiruchirapalli,
Tamil Nadu – 6200001
0431-2463321, 9843246001